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Analysis of population knowledge on head and neck cancer in two municipalities from the interior of São Paulo state

Daniela Delalibera, Alessandra Cristine Ribeiro Carvalho, Bruna Luiza Thesolim, Laura Ferreira de Rezende

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Introduction: Head and neck cancer has a high incidence and early stage diagnosis increases the chance of cure and decreases morbidity and mortality. However, one of the difficulties in achieving early diagnosis is the delay of patients seeking care, partly due to lack of knowledge. Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the population knowledge on head and neck cancer in two municipalities from the interior of the State of São Paulo. Methods: A cross-sectional study with 323 participants, carried out in 11 health units, in 2017. We used questionnaires divided into four categories: term definition, epidemiology, risk factors and symptoms. Results: Less than half presented satisfactory term definition knowledge. About 87.93% of the interviewees associated smoking and/or alcohol as risk factors for head and neck cancer; however, only 33.43% of the participants were aware of the relation between head and neck cancer and HPV. Conclusion: The population studied presented gaps in knowledge about head and neck neoplasms. Mapping the knowledge limitations on the subject is of paramount importance for future planning, oriented mainly in the deficiencies on the subject.


head and neck neoplasms; public health; disease prevention; health literacy.


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